Saturday, April 9, 2011

IN ITALY: Arrival Milano


The departure euphoria from yesterday "seems so far away."  I realized halfway across the Atlantic that I forgot my black belt and start practicing, "Signorina, dove si trova un negozio per comprare una cintura nera, per favore?"

I will wait until I get to the hotel front desk before I throw that queston out to the citizenery of Milano.  The ticket vendor for the Malpensa Express Train would feign stunned incomprehension and my fellow riders on the train are as jetlagged as I and with complete comprehension would tell me to try contacting home.

But, ah ha, I don't want to contact home.  I am separated by a continent, an ocean, a language, a culture from the safety of the familiar.  My ego will be tested by my inabilty to sound like the intelligent, clear thinking individual I know myself to be.  I will do many untoward things which will make be out to be a bumpkin.

I have placed myself in that blssful state of thankful humbleness which each world traveler has the first moment she steps onto foreign soil and knows she must rely on the generousity of strangers.

I have arrived in Milano, Italy's main northern gateway and the center of Italian fashion and commerce.   It is a bright, warm Spring morning and I am counting my blessings.....after which I will look for a black belt to keep my pants up so that I look only half a bumpkin. 

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